Speculative Sound Mapping2021 - 2036
Espejismo Sonoro
2956 msnm
2956 msnm
Sound mirages are the set of visual, material and/or sentimental evocations stimulated by a sound extraction in a specific time and space, like any individual process of perception and illusion, it can be conditioned to past experiences or projections of the future and take on new meanings. and feelings for the being that contemplates them. However, their association will always be territorial, community or identity in the best of cases.
The mirage is nothing more than an excuse for the imagination and from there to share collective visions that allow us to configure the futures that we desire as groups in a given territory. This is where sound becomes very relevant, since it is the most authentic way of approaching a present and living reality, under the premise that everything that has life vibrates.![]()

A human need
As humans we have the need to recreate other worlds, we do it from myths and other utopias. This becomes increasingly necessary as our horizons turn not just of growth but also of impending climate collapse. We need new worlds that take us away from the here and now. Sound cartography fulfills that role, of imagination and speculation.
Since the industrial revolution, many places in the world have drastically transformed their soundscape. However, there are places that still preserve a sound landscape without much pollution, thus becoming spaces to study and reflect on noise pollution. From this point of view, the following questions arise:
The implication of the soundscape
Is Arin a soundly sustainable environment?
What is a soundly sustainable environment for the contemporary individual?
What is the relationship that humans have with their sound environment?
What is a soundly sustainable environment for the contemporary individual?
What is the relationship that humans have with their sound environment?

Arin, the territory

Arin, one of the many populated centers within the Sacred Valley, is located between Calca and Urubamba. It consists of three bus stops in the middle of the road. They have several shops, hotels, a church, a community center and several chicherias throughout the territory. The most characteristic point is a waterfall managed by the residents themselves, which is why it is sometimes on and other times off. The water runs through the entire town. It has bridges and many animals live among dogs, sheep, pigs and cats.
Speculative Method
The registration will happen 5 times every 3 years, in order to register 15 years of transformation of the sound identity of the territory and community, in the same georeferenced points and at the same time of year.

Each audio will be made up of 3 minutes being a fragment of the entire audio.
There will be 15 sounds of each part making a session of 15 minutes of pure sound.
S13° 18.140' W72° 00.572’

S13° 18.188' W72° 00.622’

S13° 18.241' W72° 00.536’

S13° 18.347' W72° 00.784'

S13° 18.380' W72° 00.907

S13° 18.524' W72° 00.653'

S13° 18.573' W72° 00.642’

S13° 18.582' W72° 00.692’

S13° 18.609' W72° 00.675’

S13° 18.612' W72° 00.680'

S13° 18.736' W72° 00.831'

S13° 18.740' W72° 00.595'

S13° 18.760' W72° 00.689’

S13° 18.383' W72° 00.869'

Guest artists
Visual artists will interpret the sounds in their own visions and cartographic evocations from the recorded sounds. All the works will be carried out in the same dimension of a canvas of 1m x 1.2m with specific points geodesically indicated. The artists have been invited by a link with the author who registers.

Davis John Torres Garcia
Eibhlin Cassidy
Mabel Allain Zamalloa
Unuwasi hotel,Jeronimo Centurion,Carlos Garavito.Ursula Bravo,Movan,Cotita Macedo, Nahun Saldaña Davila, ALim Nao Saldaña Macedo, Evelyn Saldaña Macedo.
Project carried out in Residencia Kai, octubre y noviembre 2021.
Unuwasi hotel,Jeronimo Centurion,Carlos Garavito.Ursula Bravo,Movan,Cotita Macedo, Nahun Saldaña Davila, ALim Nao Saldaña Macedo, Evelyn Saldaña Macedo.
Project carried out in Residencia Kai, octubre y noviembre 2021.
El sonido nos atraviesa como seres sensibles que somos condicionados a un territorio, pensamientos y a una comunidad.
Estoy abierto a colaborar, conversar, debatir y apoyar cualquier iniciativa que desea generar un impacto positivo desde la innovación, el sonido y la tecnologia. Si es así escribre a nahunoise@gmail.com