

OIDA is a listening artifact to approach other beings and environments of nature from sound and silence

Be one with the soundscape

It blends in with the environment that welcomes it to give rise to and reproduce its sound environment, creating immersive soundscapes

A space for contemplation and sound meditation

Sound contemplation is a form of conservation of our nature and its ecosystems that allow our permanence on earth as a species, in addition to connecting us with our inner world in the evolution of sound

La oreja más pequeña permite escuchar otro tipo de eventos sonoros
The importance of sound conservation

OIDA seeks to create an awareness of the sound conservation of what vibrates and with which we live, one of the most honest ways to preserve and respect a place is from its sound. Listening and its increase in quality is one of the deepest ways to connect with something and/or someone.


Architecture: Harold Raul Clavijo

Developing: William Puñaraqui Quispe, Dario, Luis Salcedo Huamani


Chaly Macedo Silva, Rister Macedo Silva, Marvin Macedo Silva, Julieta, Juan Isuiza Sanchez, Carlos Garavito, Residencia Kai, Brackus, Nahun Saldaña Davila, Cotita Macedo Panduro.

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Project carried out in CREATIVE COMMONS version, that means that I can deliver the plans and designs so that you can reproduce them just by mentioning the authorship. If you are interested in doing it, just write me to nahunoise@gmail.com, I really want to collaborate with incredible spaces or if you want OIDA in a space too.

El sonido nos atraviesa como seres sensibles que somos condicionados a un territorio, pensamientos y a una comunidad.

Estoy abierto a colaborar, conversar, debatir y apoyar cualquier iniciativa que desea generar un impacto positivo desde la innovación, el sonido y la tecnologia. Si es así escribre a nahunoise@gmail.com

Por conexiones reales

Cada tres meses envío un correo electrónico con hallazgos, referentes, ideas y reflexiones de mi trabajo. Estaré feliz de verte por ahí.

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