Access to water and territories

The distribution and access to drinking water will be a challenge in the coming years, it is estimated that by 2030, Mexico could enter a crisis of this vital resource if the trends are the same. The tension is more and more noticeable.
The Adenium Obesum is a xerophyte that does not need daily water and that flourishes in high temperatures. The homo Adenium Obesum is a speculative sound exercise of our interaction with this living being. This speculative exercise seeks to start several questions about how our body will have to adapt to these new conditions. Understanding our body as the main survival vehicle.
La distribución y acceso al agua potable será un desafío en los próximos años, se estima que para 2030, México podría entrar en una crisis de este recurso vital si las tendencias son las mismas. La tensión es cada vez más notoria.
El Adenium Obesum es un xerófilo que no necesita agua diaria y que florece en altas temperaturas. El homo Adenium Obesum es un ejercicio sonoro especulativo de nuestra interacción con este ser vivo. Este ejercicio busca empezar varias preguntas sobre cómo nuestro organismo tendrá que adaptarse a estas nuevas condiciones. Entendiendo a nuestro organismo como el principal vehículo de supervivencia.
Adaptation & Dissatisfaction
One of the characteristics of the human being as a species is our ability to adapt and it is probably what allows us to survive on this planet. However, this adaptation often becomes capricious, due to another nuance: dissatisfaction.
The impulse we receive from these two, adaptation and satisfaction, are often the ones that generate new tools, technologies, infrastructure, rules and everything that allows us to achieve that "comfort"
Design as an accomplice
Design is an accomplice in this process to create all these artifacts mentioned, making much of the sources of resources we use for our comfort invisible in this process of comfort. Thus we end up assuming the availability of many resources.
One of them is the water that reaches our body, as food, clothing, housing and even technology. Drinking water as such is still a superstructure that, from its political regulation, distribution and all its processes, determines the viability of a community.
Access to water and territories

In Mexico there are more than 12 million people without access to drinking water, which represents approximately 10% of the population, and in Latin America there are more than 50 million, almost 9% of the population.
We cannot deny that there are actors whose water consumption is much higher. In the case of Mexico, it is distributed as follows, according to CONAGUA (2018):
Agriculture : 76%
Public supply : 14%
Self-supplied industry : 5%
Thermoelectric plants : 5%
Access to water and territories
What do you do as a human so that the distribution of water in your community does not become a threat to your body?
Adenium Obesum

This xerophyte has the property of surviving at high temperatures, and can receive water for up to 15 days without risk of fainting. The desert rose as it is commonly known are cheerful and very resistant, they can reach 3 meters in height.
- Adenium boehmianum.
- Adenium obesum.
- Adenium oleifolium.
- Adenium socotranum.
- Adenium somalense.
- Adenium swazicum.
Its reproduction occurs BY artificial incubation
120BPM a 160BPM
High level of toxicity, its blood can cause burns.
93 lumen
El sonido nos atraviesa como seres sensibles que somos condicionados a un territorio, pensamientos y a una comunidad.
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